Professional Development Certificate
What is it?
The PDC is a program for annual certification of the scientific activity of healthcare personnel, in line with similar Programs established in advanced healthcare countries. Its main objective is to provide an incentive, on the one hand, to HASIN members to participate in continuing professional development & education events of recognized prestige, and on the other hand, to companies providing Nephrology services to support their employees to participate in these events. The successful participation of their employees in the PDC Program will be a criterion for the evaluation of the private HD Units themselves, which will start within 2025.

How does it work?
HASIN prepares, in view of each new year, a list of approved scientific events that it awards points to at the discretion of its Scientific Committee, as well as the required points for receiving the PDC the following year.
Members who register for the PDC Program will record in their account on the HASIN website the scientific events in which they participate during each calendar year starting in 2024. If they have completed the necessary points by the end of the calendar year, they will automatically receive the PDC for the previous year. For the calendar year 2024, the required points to receive the PDC are ten, and must be completed by December 31, 2024. From 2025, a prerequisite for receiving the PDC will also be the completion of the basic internal training for members.
Successful candidates may choose to have their successful result communicated to their employer or their scientific or academic supervisor. They may also choose to have their name posted on the list of successful candidates on the HASIN website.

YEAR 2024
PDC requirement: 10 points

HASIN Events

Domestic agencies

Foreign organizations
Attendance: 4 points
Presentation: 8 points
Attendance: 6 points
Presentation: 10 points
Other activities
iNefJ article: 8 points
Scientific committee: 10 points
Board Member: 10 points
Home therapies training course
2nd WSHTs (14/9): 6 points
e-training: 10 points
Attendance: 2 points
Presentation: 4 points
Attendance: 4 points
Presentation: 8 points
Other activities
Hellenic Nephrol article: 8 points
Scientific committee: 10 points
Board Member: 10 points
Attendance: 4 points
Presentation: 8 points
Attendance: 6 points
Presentation: 10 points
Other activities
Article (Pubmed): 10 points
Harvard Seminar: 8 credits
Committee member: 10 points